Do you know how it feels to pay off $20k of debt in 5 months? It feels absolutely amazing, and that is exactly what happened to one of my business coaching clients as a result of our coaching relationship. This client was just re-launching her business after our first coaching session. The other day, she texted me stating that she had paid down $20,000 of debt in just 5 months as a result of the work that we're doing together. I was ecstatic!
So, I know what you're thinking. What exactly does this have to do with me? Well, let me tell you that no matter if you're coaching with me or not, that if you put in work towards your vision, if you're super strategic about your approach, and if you persevere even when it's not easy, that you might just experience the results you've been dreaming of, whether personally or professionally. For some people, those results come very quickly, and for others, it takes time, but research shows that perseverance and grit are the most common attributes of those who are successful.
My client, who's now on track for working towards paying off her house (that she recently bought), not only is always hungry for knowledge, but she has a huge focus on mastering her craft when it comes to the service that she provides. Both personally and professionally, she definitely has the perseverance and grit that research cites as being critical for success, and even when things aren't going perfectly in life or business, she is honest with herself about what's wrong and pushes forward towards a resolution to do better or be better. And you know what? You don't have to be exactly like my client, but your character, values, and approach to hard work will be super important on your life's journey.
Practice daily the values that you know will get you to where you want to go in every area of your life, and prayerfully, you will see the fruit that produces over time!
I'm rooting for you!
As always, feel free to send me a quick note at or comment below to let me know if anything that I wrote here resonated with you, and of course, feel free to share with family and friends that might benefit from this post as well.