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Can you really handle success? Three tips to manage the success that’s coming your way.

Photo credit: Atikh Bana (Unsplash)

First of all, I’m going to tell you the answer is YES. You definitely can handle success. So many people are afraid to do so much, because they’re afraid of what might be on the other side, even if it’s success. Some of us are afraid to graduate from high school or from college. We’re afraid to date the right man or woman. We’re afraid to get married. We’re afraid to start a job in a higher role than we’ve been in. We’re afraid to make too much money. We’re afraid to move to where we know would be great for us. We’re afraid to save money. We’re afraid to buy a home. And the list goes on and on. But, can I tell you something? It's okay to be afraid, but it’s important that you know that you can handle the success that’s on the other side of taking action towards walking in your purpose.

These past few weeks, I have had the blessing of speaking with business coaching clients who are almost overwhelmed with how many increased leads, sales, and profits they are making. We’re working on how they can manage that better. I’ve had the joy of supporting leadership coaching clients who now have friendships galore blossoming from their ability to more walk in their confidence and coaching clients who are also balancing blossoming romantic relationships along with their other endeavors as a result of their taking a chance on love. I actually closed the most sales I have ever closed in the history of my business the month before I wrote this article in September 2017. Great things are happening all around, but I definitely realized something in helping others manage their success and having to manage my own success.

I realized that being able to handle success means being as prepared as possible for it before it comes. 

Though this means different things to different people based on what your idea of success is, there are a few things that are pretty consistent across the board that you can do to do your part to be ready for the awesomeness that might be getting ready to come your way. 

1) Time Management

Are you managing your personal time or business time in a way that makes room for when success comes your way? Whether success to you means a relationship, or exercising regularly, or having increased prospects in your business, does your current schedule allow for space for future endeavors that are meaningful to you to be prioritized? If not, adjust your schedule, utilize time management tools, release what’s not an effective use of your time, and integrate more of what helps you move towards being successful.

2) Personal and Professional Development

When you get the increase in pay or the new house or the new relationship or the increased clientele, will you know what to do? Will you know how to manage your success? When I was in high school, I was speaking to bankers about understanding investing. When I was in college, I requested information about franchises I might start (though I may have had $5 in my savings account). In college, I printed out a large number of pages about credit management before I had a credit card. I was trying to get prepared for what my future vision might hold. If you’re trying to start a family or have an amazing family, you should be taking steps to grow as a parent, wife, or husband, for example. Lay the foundation right now for what you know can be your reality. Why wait?

3) Perspective

Are you a pessimist? In my opinion, that’s not going to help very much in your personal, professional, or entrepreneurial life. And there’s a difference between being a realist or a pessimist. To prepare for success, once you’re in it, you have to learn how to keep success going. That means you have to have vision, hope, and I would say, even faith, to keep pushing you forward. If you got to medical school and decided once you got there that you weren’t medical school material, can you imagine how that might negatively impact your ability to study through the night? If you got married and, all of a sudden, decided that this marriage was just not going to work no matter what you did, can you imagine how that might impact your marriage journey. So again, vision, hope, and faith, I believe, might be essential on the way to success and once you reach the success you’ve been hoping for. 

So do yourself a big favor. Since we already agree you’re going to be able to handle any success that comes your way, do your part to continue to prepare to receive it. You got this!

And remember, I believe in you!

If this post was helpful in any way, as always, definitely comment below or email me at to let me know, and feel free to forward to family or friends who might benefit.

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